come into view

[kʌm ˈɪntə vjuː]
  • 释义
  • 看得见;呈现眼前;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    But sooner than most expected, two limits have come into view.

    但是比多数人预期的更快的是, 两方面的局限已经浮现.

  • 2、

    With the practical use of wireless network, its advantages and shortages also come into view.

    随着无线网络的实际应用, 它各方面的优缺点逐渐显现.

  • 3、

    On the far side of the hills, the dark sand dunes come into view.

    飞过山脉的另一端, 黝黑的沙丘进入眼帘.
